Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fireball Logo Design

Okay as promised, a Photoshop CS2 tutorial that could also be used as a Photoshop CS3 tutorial.
It is another logo style tutorial that I thought you guys would enjoy that I found at and decided to post here for everyone’s benefit.
Fire-balls illustration:
Make a new file with parameters 600×236 and 72 dpi. Paint it with white.

Use the instrument adobe photoshop pen tool and draw the outline of the flame. Paint it. The code is indicate.

Choose then Blending Options on this background and set out consecutive the indicated parameters.

We’ll get the next:

Then clicking on Ctrl and holding it, click also on our background with a lot of extra-effects:

Create a new background and using the right button of the mouse we’ll have the menu list:

Choose Stroke and:

You must get the next one:

Using the instrument adobe photoshop pen tool , draw a element of the flame and paint it with ff8137:

Do the same but with the color ffa545:

Using the same instrument adobe photoshop pen tool, draw another element of the flame and paint it with the color ff9025

Do the same, but with the color f6b245

Using the instrument adobe photoshop Eliptical Marque tool on a new background, make a circle of white color and one more inside the first one. The circle inside must have the color fdd8a7. Using the instrument adobe photoshop Eliptical Marque tool , move off the interior part. Using the eraser clean out a part of the circles, like in the picture:

Our final result!
Let me know if you guys liked this one!

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